Gerald Posner

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Second part of my interview on Boom Bust re the Vatican Bank/God's Bankers

The 2nd part of my interview with Erin Ade on Boom Bust. It runs 8 minutes, starting at the 4 minute mark. Among other issues this part of the interview covers how the bank was used during World War II to help the church hide investments in German and Italian insurance companies that earned outsized profits by escheating the life insurance policies of Holocaust victims. I also talk about how top Italian politicians used the bank exclusively for their personal multi-million do llar slush funds, as well as how the Vatican Bank was the financial linchpin in an anti-communist alliance with American intelligence over the decades. Finally, I mention my plea to Pope Francis to free the bank's World War II files and that so far there has only been silence from the Vatican. Remember to sign a new petition at