CNN. Cable News Network or Cable No News?

OK, fair disclosure: Trisha Posner and I are news junkies. Part of our DNA. We start each morning with newspapers. And we also watch some TV news. Just enough to get an idea if the rest of the world outside of Miami is still there. The ‘news’ part is increasingly hard to find.

Our unofficial test this morning, flipping back and forth for only the first 15 minutes starting @ 8:00AM

- a flyover collapse in Calcutta
- corruption scandal with South African president Zuma
- surprise acquittal of nationalist Serb leader Vajislav Seselj by the UN War Crimes Court
- new powers for Aung San Sui Kyi in Myanmar
- updates on the nuclear summit in DC
- new US military deployments in NATO
- death of the Nobel laureate Imre Kertesz
- upcoming release of a dozen Guantanamo inmate
- Amnesty International about how Qatar uses forced labor to build its flagship stadium for the 2022 World Cup
- advances in genetic testing showing hope for treating children with cancer

- Trump

Maybe CNN should stand for Cable News? Nope.

I have friends and colleagues at CNN who are solid journalists. I understand this is set from the top.

But seriously?